The 354 sound clip was edited (condensed)
to about 7:51 minutes of my original micro cassette recording tape.
There is some background noise on this
file. It is in Spanish. Read the
text below as you listen to the sound clip for best results.
324. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 20 May 1993 at 6:03 PM. in Spanish.
I know, I know, I know My son. I know. I have gotten Married. I have gotten Married My son. I have gotten Married. Oh! Eat the Mass. Eat the Mass.
Yes, here comes the whirlwind. Here comes the wind. Here it comes. Here it comes with the force of the devil. Hear Me open your eyes. Open your ears. It is here, the time of the whirlwind with the force of the devil.
Look at the Train. Here comes the Train, and catch the Train for here comes the Train, the Train of the Holy Spirit. Buy your ticket, and jump onto the Train, with the Love of God, with the Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. For here comes the Train for the Wife. Oh, Oh, Oh! It is here. You have to open your eyes, your ears, and you have to smell with your nose. For what is going to happen is going to stink. It is going to stink very filthy for all that is filthy is going to die, and is going to the pit. Did you hear Me, My Reymundo? Did you hear Me?
I know what you have in your mind, in your heart. For it has arrived, the things that I told you in the Prophecies past. The lady is ready, but watch yourself. For the devil is sending ladies also. Watch yourself Reymundo. The devil wants to push you down. He wants to kill you with the things of the devil, but I will help, but you have to pray, and pray. For what I placed no one can stop, but watch yourself. For the devil knows the manner of man. And he is going to use what he wants to push you down.
You have to open your eyes, and your ears, and you have to pray, you have to fast. But I am not going to let you fall. I will help you. This is your Father, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I know what you have in your mind. I know your Tears. Yes, the Lady that I told you about, the two of them are ready, but you have to choose, with the Heart of Heaven, with the Heart of you Father, with the Heart of the Son, Jesus, your Christ, with the Heart of the Holy Spirit. But We will help you, but it is going to be easy. It is going to be rapid. Did you hear Me, My Reymundo?
Make yourself strong for here comes the whirlwind that is going to hit the United States with the force of the devil. I am going to send you a man, and this man is going to show you the things of God, and the manners of God, with the Heart of God, with the Mind of God. I want you to hear him, but you are going to know that I sent him. For your heart, your spirit, is going to know. For this man knows things. He knows the things I want to show you. But the thing is, this man won't even know that he is showing you the manner of God. That's why I want you to open your eyes, and your ears. For the man is going to show you without knowing he is showing you.
But pray and pray for here comes the whirlwind that I told you about. Here comes the earthquake to California. Here comes the pig. Here comes the dogs, all the soldiers, all that is evil, all that is of the pit. For they are hungry for the Body of My Son. But there is My Son with His Angels fighting in Heaven, and in the world, all that is filthy. For We have started to clean everything, and it has arrived, the day of suffering, the day of the devil.
My son write everything I tell you, in the manner that I tell you. For I am going to hit you with the Force of the Holy Spirit, and you are going to know the Force of God, in the manner of God. Did you hear Me, Reymundo? Make yourself strong My Little Son. We are going change the mind of the world, and point it toward Heaven, with the Force of the Holy Spirit, with the Force of My Son, with the Force of your Father.
Oh yes, Reymundo, rest. I know that you are tired. Rest your mind, rest your
body. I know the devil is throwing everything at you. I know that your mind
is going from here to there. The devil is mad, but he cannot do a thing.
I know what you are seeing in your head. That's the Ring, the Ring of
the Wife of My Son. For the wedding has arrived, but make yourself strong
My Little Son for the devil wants to stop you. But watch yourself, and pray,
and pray, and fast, in the manner of God. But he cannot stop you, for you
are in My Hands, and repent, and pray, and repent, and pray, with your
mind, with your spirit, with all that you have. It has now arrived, the
day that I told you in the other Prophecies, My son.
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