303. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 1 March 1993 at 11 PM. in Spanish.
I have already told her, the lady of the earthquake. I have told her. I told her with Tears. I have told the lady of the earthquake, if she doesn't open her eyes, and if she doesn't open her ears, the ground is going to eat her. I have told her with Tears. I have told her. If she makes herself hard the earthquake is going to eat her.
I am telling you the things from Heaven. I am telling the things that are from God. I am telling to you the things of the World, of the Stars, of My Son Jesus, your Christ, the things of the Holy Spirit with the Lips of your Father, the God. The One who is. The One who is. The One who is. What more can I tell you. Just that the lady has to open her eyes, her ears, or the ground is going to eat her. I tell you the things of your Father, of the Son, the Holy Spirit.
Ya cosco. (Spanish word, I don't know the meaning for this word.) Ya cosco. Ya cosco My son. Ya cosco all of the mind. Ya casco all that is. For if she doesn't do what I am telling her the ground is going to eat her. Ya cosco My son. Ya cosco.
Make yourself strong for the Word of God is going to the parts of the World. The people who read the Prophecies are getting scared this minute. Make yourself strong for We are going to start to move to another place much higher. For the day has arrived that I told you with the Prophecies. There are people that like them. Those are My Sheep. There are people that don't like them. Those are the sheep of the devil. But the devil has already lost.
All that We have to do is lift the Sheep that are Mine, and the rest are going to be cleaned with the Force of the Holy Spirit, with the Force of your Father, with the Force of the Son Jesus, your Christ. I tell you the things and the manners of God. I tell you all that is right, all that is of Heaven.
I hear your tears Reymundo. I hear them with My Ears. I know what you want. I have heard you with My Heart, but right now I want you to do all that I told you in the Prophecies, to write them. I will show you where to send them, but you have to hear with your ears, and your spirit. I am going to give you the Force of the Holy Spirit. I am going to give you the Force of everything that is of Heaven.
For I know your heart. I know what you want to learn. I know that you want to do everything that is good, and right. But everything has its time. I will show you when you can use what I give you. Did you hear Me, My son? You have to look for your God. You have look by praying, fasting with all of your spirit, and all of your mind, with all that is right. I am going to help you with the all the gifts I told you about.
You're going to become stronger, and your going to make yourself frightened, but it's going to give you joy. For you are going to know Me Better. I will show you My son, in the Manner of God. I will show you, for you told Me you wanted the Force of the Holy Spirit. I will give you what you can carry, and only what you can carry on this point, on this day. I will give more tomorrow, until you make yourself stronger.
Did you hear Me, My Reymundo? For you're going to frighten yourself with the things you are going to do, with the things your Father is going to do, with the things Jesus is going to do, with the things that the Holy Spirit is going to do. For We have to turn the World toward Heaven, and the rest which is left over is going to the pit. For I only want what is Clean, what is Mine. And what is of the devil is going to the Pit.
I hear your prayers My son. I hear your prayers. I read your heart. I read
your heart. I know where you are this minute, on this date, and what you
want, and what you want to do. Hurry, pray more, and We will talk more. Stop
the computer and pray for My Presence. I will talk to you more, and
I will tell you what not to write, but pray, and I will tell you. Stop your
computer, and talk to Me with your tears My son.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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