297. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 22 February 1993 at 11:32 PM. in Spanish.
The Wind of the North is going to come with the force of the devil. The Wind of the North is going to hit all of the United States. When the Wind comes it's going to push down everything with the force of the devil. Did you hear Me, people of the United States? Here comes the Wind with the force of the devil.
For you people didn't do what My Son told you to do. The pastors are sitting on their bottoms, doing nothing. All they do is put their hands over their ears and eyes, and they make themselves fat with all of the gifts I give them. That's why the Wind of the North is going to come. For the church of the United States is dead, and it is dirty. They think a lot of themselves. They believe they are god, and I am going to hit them with My Hand like I hit a fly.
For I know that they believe they are god. I am going to show the world the force of the devil, when I hit the church of the United States. For, it is nauseating Me, what they are doing. It turns My Stomach, it's contemptible, for they are sitting on their bottoms. They don't look for the sick ones; the ones who sleep in the streets; The ones who need to hear the Word of God, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
This is your Father, I am, I am, I am, and I tell you Clearly, and to the Point what's going to happen. For I send, and I send My Prophecies to the churches, and they take the Prophecies, they burn them, throw them, and they jump on top of them with the force of the devil. The churches think a lot of themselves; that they know so much. I am going to show them how much they know when I hit them with My Hand FAST, DIRECT, and TO THE POINT!
They are not going to save themselves, none of them. None who work for the devil, and I am going to hit their families also, with the force of the devil. For the pastors are the head of their families, and I am the head of all the world, of all of Heaven, of all that is, and I correct everything that is mine, with the Force of God, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit. That's why I am telling you now, so you won't get scared for you won't be able to do a thing. For I gave you the chance, you hid yourself, and you buried your head under the ground.
For you didn't want to hear the Word of your God. You burned the Prophecies, you threw them in the garbage can, and then you jumped on top of Prophets; The ones who give you the Prophecies in their hands with tears. I am going to show you the Force of your God. For you believe you can buy the Road to Heaven. All that you are buying is the Road to the pit. I am going to send you there with all of your family. For all that you touch is filthy. All that you say is filthy, in the manner of the devil.
For My Sheep, and Seeds need to hear the Word Correctly, and to the Point, and they have to know the Manner of God, the Holy Spirit, with the Son. I have given you many chances, pastors of the United States. The bigger you believe you are, the harder I am going to hit you. For what is big is not of God, only what is Humble is of God. When you do the small things Humbly that, I tell you, and learn from the tears and sweat from your work, that is from God. When you learn to make yourself Humble, then you will save yourself.
But I know that the Words are going to enter your ears, and they are going to leave, and you are going to get mad with the force of man. But remember, I am God, and you are only a man. And you cannot do a thing, just scream, jump, and raise your hands. I tell you Clearly, I tell you Direct, and to the Point.
You believe this Prophet is crazy. Yes! He is crazy! He is crazy for his God, for his Christ, Jesus, for the Holy Spirit. He is crazy for all that is Good, for all that is Mine. For this Prophet is My Lips, My Eyes, and My Ears. When you receive this Prophecy in your hands, I want you to remember, I am protecting him with all the Force of Heaven. If you raise your hand, I am going to send you to the pit with the force of the devil.
For everything belongs to Me, and I can do what I want. Because I am God! I am God! I am God!, with My Son, and the Holy Spirit, and Jesus does what I tell him. For We both have the Love of everything in Heaven, with the Holy Spirit. Did you hear Me, Clearly? For there is plenty of room in the pit, and if you want to raise your hand this time, I am going to show you the place of the devil.
I know you don't like what I am telling you. It's burning your ears with the force of the flame of the pit. You being mad gives the devil joy. For He knows, and says, "Hum, hum, I have another one to take care of me in the pit", and the more you get mad, the more joy it gives him. But as for Me it's not important. All that's important to Me is, if you do what I tell you. For if you don't do what I tell you, you are not Mine, and that is clear, and to the point.
Did you hear Me, pastors of the United States? Here comes the Wind of the North, and when the Wind passes, you are going to know. For no one is going to escape the Wind the North, and this Word is for the pastors. For here comes the Wind with the force of the devil. For you believe you can buy a ticket to Heaven. The devil is going to show you your plane to the pit.
I know that your ears are burning your eyes, with the flame of the pit. But I tell you with Love. I tell you everything correctly, clearly, and to the point. Remember the Words, I am telling you with this Prophet. For I am not playing with you. If you believe this is a game, you are already lost. For you have to get up yourself, for your God told you the Word correctly, and to the point, and you turned, and you walked toward the other place.
Did you hear Me pastors? This is your Father, with your Son, your Christ,
Jesus. This is your God, with the Holy Spirit, with the Force of everything
that is Good, that is Correct, that is to the Point.
Yes! That's all, I am going to tell you on this day, at this date, with the
Love of your Father of Heaven. We Three are One. We Three are
One. Remember that, when the Wind of the North comes.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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