267. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 January 1993 at 12:06 AM. in Spanish.
You know what, I am going to show you the things that you need to know. For here comes the devil with his teeth. You have to hear Me! You have to open your ears and eyes, and point your nose toward Heaven. The Meat of the Body of God, of Jesus is Very Sweet, and the devil has a hunger for the things that are sweet. I want you to arm yourself. I know that you don't understand what I am telling you now.
For you don't study the Bible, and you don't know what to believe, but what you're fighting in the War, you cannot see, you cannot touch. You're in the War of the spirits. The spirits of the devil, and if you want to win, you have to learn the Word of God, and in that way you have a chance. For the spirits it's not important what they use to kill you, to use on top of your head, on top of your body. All that is bad comes from the dark spirits. The spirits of the devil.
They don't want you to study the Bible. For if you open the Book, and you read and study, they know they don't have a chance. But if they can fool you, if they can scare you in that way they win. For you didn't open that Book of the Word of your God. But you have to arm yourself everyday with the Word of God. When you sense the dark spirits around you, throw them the Words of God. Throw them to the Point, and Straight with the Force of the Holy Spirit with the Nerve of your God, the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit. For in that way you can save yourself and you can make yourself valiant. For all that know My Son Jesus, your Christ, have to Arm themselves with the Word of God. For the things of the dark spirit are not the things you can play with. Those things are very serious, are all the things that are bad. They can kill you if you don't use the Word of God. Study and show your brother and sister, your son and your daughter, everyone you know. And in that way they can save themselves. For you cannot see them, you cannot touch them and there they are around you, using everything they can to scare you. For they want to eat you.
They want to take you to the Pit with them. For they have already lost the chance they had. And now they want to take everyone that they can take in the manner of the devil. Don't get scared of what I am telling you. For I am telling you in seriousness and I am telling you the truth. I don't want you to get lost. I don't want you to bury your head under the sand, if you want to save yourself. For I want to save you with the Love of Heaven, with the Love of My Son Jesus, with the Love of the Holy Spirit. I am telling you the truth.
For if you are My Sheep, My Seed you will hear Me and you will do what I tell you. For you have the Love of your God. The One who made everything, the World, the Stars, all that you see, all that you touch, and all that you don't see. Arm yourself, Arm yourself with the Word of God.
Did you hear Me? This is your Father the One who made everything with My Word and the Holy Spirit. Here comes the end. I don't want to scare you, but I have to tell you the truth. For in that way you can save yourself. You cannot save yourself if I Lie to you. For all that comes from God of Heaven is Clean and is Correct and is to the Point. There are many black spirits that want to do evil for everything you do. Are you understanding what I am telling you? I want to give you the chance. I want to give you the chance to live in Heaven with Me.
But if you make yourself deaf the devil is going to eat you and that is the truth. I tell you with the Love of Heaven, with the Love of My Son, with the Love of the Holy Spirit. I know that this minute, you can't think. You are very sad, for you cannot understand what I am telling you, but it is the truth. You know it is the truth. I will see you, My son and My daughter make yourself strong, for I don't like, and don't want you to suffer.
I will take you to Heaven, I will Hug you and Kiss you, for here comes the
time of the end. I tell you with tears, the things of the spirit, of the
dark spirit, of the black spirit, of all that is bad and filthy. I will
see you, and I will tell you more Words of your God in the days that are
coming. I will tell you with Love for you are My Sheep. Study, do it, for
your Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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