259. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 2 January 1993 at 8:28 AM. in Spanish.
I know My son, I know that you know things that other people do not know. For you have your eyes, the mind, the heart of God. That's why I can use you. For you have the love of God, of Heaven, of the World, of all that is and of everything that's going to be, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I chose you to know more things for I want you to grow. I want you to do the things of God, with the mind of God, with the spirit of God.
The coal of the World is going to become very hot. For all that is black, is of the devil. The coal of the devil is going to burn, and what is filthy I am going to send to the Pit. What stays Clean is going to Heaven with Me. I like your tears for you have the Faith to do things crying. For your body doesn't know the things of God, but you, with your spirit, you do what I tell you. For you have the Faith and you have to have the Faith, the Faith in My Son, the Faith in your Father, the Faith in the Holy Spirit.
I know you learn things from other men, but you have to stand with your eyes open and your ears open. For there are many men that force the Word of My Son in the manner that they want. For at times they want force, at times they want money, at times they want women, at times they want to be god. There are many words that are good and there are many words that are bad. Stand on top of the Rock and pray with your spirit, with your mind, with all that you have and I will tell you who is telling you the truth, who is telling lies. For you have the Faith and you Love Me with all of your heart, and I Love you with all of My Heart.
Open your eyes and your ears and I will show you the manner of God, but don't get scared, for the body doesn't understand the things of the Spirit, and the Body gets scared very easily, for it doesn't understand the manner of God, the manner of the Holy Spirit.
Hurry, ask Me the things of your heart, and I will tell you the truth for I Love you with My Heart. All will be fixed with your girl friend for she has the heart of God. She has the heart for you, and the manner of God. She knows it all; the mind of God. She knows it all, and you are My son. Don't worry of the manner of Man, for the manner of man is nothing, and the manner of God is everything. The One who made everything, the World, the Stars.
I am going to close the Book of this World and I am going to use you to tell My Sheep, My Seeds the things of God in the manner of God. Don't get scared for I have My Angels around you. But look and study what I tell you. For the things are going to start very rapidly and you're going to learn the things of God. For I am telling you before they happen.
Did you hear Me Reymundo? Put down everything that I tell you My son. I will
protect you. For you have the manner of God and don't get frightened. For
We are there with you My Son, and the Holy Spirit, and Me, and the Angels,
We will protect you. You're in My Hands, your steps are My Steps, your lips
are My Lips, I will see you My son. Don't worry for your computer, just do
what I tell you.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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