The 221 sound clip was edited (condensed) to about 7:07 minutes from my original micro cassette recording tape. There is some background noise on this file. It is in Spanish. Read the text below as you listen to the sound clip for best results.
221. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 October 1992 at 10:50 PM. in Spanish.
The mile is far. The mile, the Day you run the mile toward your God is the Day you will save yourself. I want you to run. I want you to look for your God. The One which made the World, Heaven, the Stars, with My Son Jesus, your Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
This is your Father. The One that is speaking with Pure and Clean Lips. Look, you have to run the mile for your God. Then you have to run two miles for your God. Then you have to run three miles towards your God. The mile of your God, your God loves you with all the Love of Heaven, of the World, of the Stars, with the Love of God. You have to look for your God; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Did you hear Me? You have to run the mile. The Day has arrived of the mile. Open your eyes. Open your ears and look for your brothers in the street. Run the mile for your sons, for your brothers, for your family. Run toward your God. The One which made everything with the Son and the Holy Spirit. The mile of your God, is the mile that will save you. And you have to save your brothers and sisters and your family. Open the Bible and read the Word of your God; with the eyes of your God; with the ears of your God. The Holy Spirit will help you, but you have to run the mile.
Did you hear Me? The mile of your God, if you have hunger open the Bible. The Bible will give you the Food of your God, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Day has arrived of the Bible. The Day has arrived of the Word of your God. Lift the Bible, read the Word of your God, and I will show you the manner of your God, the manner of My Son your Christ, the manner of the Holy Spirit.
In that way, you will grow, and you will know Me, with My Son, and the Holy Spirit. But you have to open the Bible, and you have to read it, with your eyes open, with your ears open, looking for your God. For your God told you, and you did it because your God told you to open your Bible. For the Day has arrived of the Word of your God. Did you hear Me? My Sons and Daughters, the Ones which have hunger to know the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
It has arrived, the Day of the Bible, and I want you to run the mile. The mile with the sweat of your God, with the sweat of My Son, with the sweat of the Holy Spirit, run the mile with the Bible. Run the mile with the Bible and show your sons, your daughters, your brothers, sisters and everyone that you know that have a hunger to know God. The One which made the World, the Stars, Heaven.
This is your Father. The One that made everything with the Word of God. With
the Son and the Holy Spirit, with the Love of your God, I tell you the truth.
Run the mile! Look for your God with the Bible, and in that way the Holy
Spirit will show you the straight, the clean, and the correct way with
the sweat of the hunger to know your God. I want you to pick up your Cross,
and run the mile. Look for the Sheep and the Seeds, everyone that loves their
God, with the Love of the Holy Spirit, with the Love of Christ, with the
Love of the Father. Happy Greetings My Sons, My Daughters. Happy
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