163. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 July 1992 at 1:20 AM. in Spanish and in Tongues.
Eat the house. Eat the house. I'll eat the house of My Sons. I'll eat the house of My Sons. The earthquake that's going to come is going to eat the homes of My Children that don't eat the Mass and the Blood. My Sons and Daughters, did you hear Me? I'll eat the houses. I'll eat the houses of My Children that don't eat and drink the Mass. Did you Hear Me My Children, My Sheep? I want you to eat the Mass. I want you to eat the Mass. For if you don't eat the Mass and drink the Mass, I'll eat your house. Did you hear Me with your ears? For what I am telling you is the truth, My Sons.
What a shame the manner of man is the same as the manner of the devil. What a shame! What a shame, but the day is here that I am going to fix everything that is wrong in the State of California. You think you know it all. You think a lot of yourself, but I'll show you what you know and how much you know. For the day that's coming, you're going to know who is your God of Heaven, of the World. My Son Jesus with the Holy Spirit and your Father is telling you the truth.
For when that day arrives you're going to be frightened, for you didn't believe Me. I am going to put you under the ground because you did not believe Me. I am going to put that thought into your mind when it happens to you and the ground eats you. For at that point in your life, when the ground is eating you, I am going to place that thought into your mind, that I told you, and you didn't listen to Me for you hid yourself. Then I am going to bury you.
For at this minute I am telling you the truth and the day that earthquake comes to California, when the ground eats you. Remember what I said to you. When you die, I am going to place that thought into your mind: "THAT I TOLD YOU" and that you did not listen to Me. I want you to remember, that I told you before it happened.
For you cannot make fun of your God. No one in the World, in the Stars, nothing that I have made can make fun of God. For My Word is straight, My Word is the truth and I am telling you the truth with the love of My Heart and with Tears in My Eyes.
I know what you're going to do before you do it. I am only telling you now for when that day comes. You are going to know who is your God. You're going to think, "Why didn't I run after Christ, the Son of the Father" You will know then how much brains you had.
I am telling you these things with Tears, with many Tears in My Eyes, in My Heart. For I love you with all of My Heart and I don't want to lose you. For if it wasn't of any importance to Me, I wouldn't tell you a thing, but I am telling you because I Love you with the Love of My Heart, with the Love of Christ Jesus, with the Love of the Holy Spirit, because We Three are One. Did you hear Me? We Three are One and I am telling you the truth with tears.
For I have to do what I have to do. Hear Me My Sheep, My Seeds. Hear Me! Open your ears. Open your eyes and trust in your God, if you love Me a little that's all you need. Open your eyes. Do it for yourself and for Me. For I don't want to do what I have to do. Save yourself! Eat the Mass and pray to your God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit with all of your heart.
With the tears of your heart, spirit, and body, pray and look for your brothers and sisters that don't know Me. Show them the correct way and you will save yourself. Did you hear Me? Did you hear Me, for it's going to hurt My Heart if I have to do what I have to do?
For I love you. I love you with all of My Heart My Sons, My Daughters.
It doesn't matter what you have done or what you want to do. I want you to
repent of all your sins and I will forget what you have done. I'll open My
Hands. I'll Hug you and Kiss you and I'll make you a large house in Heaven.
For I love you with all of My Heart.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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