156. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 July 1992 at 8:29 AM. in Spanish.
Why do you ask Me what's going to happen? I told you. I was going to protect your family. The things of God are at times hard to comprehend. The things of your sister are going to come out right. She has to Pray to Me and no One else but Me. For the God, of Heaven, of the World, of all that is and all that's going to be, only wants what's Clean and what's Righteous.
The manner of Man is the manner of Man. For man thinks he knows more than God. The God of Heaven, of the World, is going to correct everything. Tell your sister everything is going to be all right and to pray. I'll tell her and I'll show her what to do. I hear her tears. I hear all her problems that she has. I know she is suffering with what she had to do. For what she did, she did because I told her to do it.
For I am her King and she has to do what I tell her. I am telling her not to worry for a husband, money, or about sickness. I am going to protect her because My Heart heard with the Ears of God, the Tears. I, the God of everything will correct everything of My Saints.
The day is here now, that I told My Saints was going to arrive. The Holy Spirit is repairing the things of man for man thinks more of himself than of God. Everything of the World, of Heaven, is in My Hands and I do what I want with what belongs to Me. I am going to clean everything that is dirty and bad. My Ears are hurting of the Tears of My Saints. The devil is all that is bad.
The manner of God is Clean and Straight. My Spirit is talking to the Saints. I, the God of Heaven with My Son and the Holy Spirit are correcting everything that is bad. The day of the World is going to end and I don't want My Saints to suffer any more. Here comes the day of suffering and the Body of Christ is crying with tears of all that is bad in the Body. I am tired and I am going to shut the book of this World. For all that is bad is burning My Ears and My Eyes with the Tears of My Saints.
Tell your sister not to suffer with worry for everything is in My Hands. I am going to protect her because I heard her tears. For the things of God, are of God. My Holy Spirit is going to show her what to do and when to do it. But she has to hear with the Ears of God. She has to see with the Eyes of God.
For the ways of man are finished, I am going to close this World as I close a Book. Rapidly! Tell her that her steps aren't hers they're Mine, and I watch My Steps. For everything that's Mine is Clean and Righteous and not to worry for her mother, her father, just worry about her God. Her God has to be the First, with the Son and the Holy Spirit, and everything will be straightened out.
Sometimes the ways of God aren't always easy but they are correct.
Did you hear Me? Did you hear Me, Reymundo? What I am telling you. Tell her
the Words of God. That her God heard her tears and not to worry for the God
of Love, the God of the Heart heard and saw all the tears of My Saint.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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