150. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 July 1992 at 12:45 AM. in Spanish.
How are you My son? You're very tired but you're doing your job well. As I mentioned before, it's going to happen; the star is going to come and the star of the devil is going to hit people on the head; on the hand. Watch yourselves. Saints watch out, for here comes the star of the devil. You have to run and hide, for the star of the devil will send you to the place I am sending the devil. I don't want to send My Sons and Daughters there when the war is finished.
This is your God, the Father of the World, of Heaven, with My Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit telling you to run and hide from the star of the devil. All that is from the devil is evil and is not from God, of Heaven, of the Stars, with My Son and the Holy Spirit. The devil knows that his day is coming but he cannot do a thing. All he can do is take all his saints to the pit. That's all he can do, for My Son broke him when He died on the Cross for My Saints, My Sheep.
Look, I am telling you in the manner that's Righteous. I am telling you the Truth. I want you to hear Me with your ears open for all that's in the Bible is going to happen. All that's Right and Straight is from the Bible. The time is here now. The End. You have to open your heart. You have to break the rock that you have in your heart. For that rock of your heart doesn't help you at all. Did you hear Me?
For the God of Heaven, with My Son, and the Holy Spirit is all that's Right and Clean. Did you hear Me? The date has arrived of the End. Tell your Brothers and Sisters that the day has arrived, and in that way, they can live in Heaven with you but you have to hear Me first and you have to do what I say, for you won't have much time when the war starts of what is Good and Bad.
Did you hear Me? Right now it's easy, for nothing has started, but it's going to be harder as time passes. The devil is going to want to eat you with his bare teeth and he isn't going to need a reason to kill you. For all that's going to happen is going to happen by the Word of the Bible. My Word, that I said years ago.
Tell your Brothers and Sisters to place their eyes on My Son, your Christ. For in that way they can save themselves. You too place your eyes, your mind, and your spirit on My Son, the Christ, your God Jesus. The time has arrived that the Saints are going to suffer.
Hear Me! Hear Me! This is your Father of all the World, of Heaven, of the Stars, of all that is and all that's going to be. Hear Me! Hear Me! You have to start RIGHT NOW! NOT TOMORROW, RIGHT NOW! Did you hear Me? You have to run after your Brothers and Sisters. For it's easy now and farther on it will be harder. You have to help them. You have to tell them the Word of My Son, your King of Kings. The time has arrived that you're going to be frightened, for the devil has hunger. He is going to want to eat you with his bullets of his devil soldiers. Hear Me! Hear Me with your ears for the time of the devil is here.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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