103. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 22 June 1992 at 1:27 AM. Monday in English.
For I love you Ray. The Owl will come to its tree in mid-November. The Owl will fall fast. The Owl will meet the Hornet. The Hornet will execute the Owl for the Beast only wants those who are obedient to him. For the kingdom of the devil is Death. For the kingdom of the Beast is at hand. For the kingdom of the Beast will fall as it is stated in the Bible. The points of reference are Joel, Machabees, John, chapter six in Revelations.
The Slaughter that will occur will frighten the whole World, for they will feel helpless. They will feel abandoned for the Wrath of God will clean the Planet of all evil ways once and for all. For they did not seek Me. They did not Look for Me. They loved their things, their possessions, their mother and father, their wives and sons and daughters more than their God. For they never followed the ways of Jehovah. They were bred into evil. So they shall Die into evil, so saith Jehovah.
So My Saints keep this in Mind, implant this into your mind for the hour is coming. That Judgment will be called on the Planet and on you, and you will be held accountable to everything that you have done since you had the maturity to know right from wrong. For Jehovah is merciful. He's a loving God but you have to obey the Rules, the Law of My Son. For He Died for you on the Cross, and the hour, the date, the time will be here before you realize.
So, for you Righteous People turn to Jesus, your King of Kings, your Lord of Lords, for He is the Path. He's the Way to Heaven. Trust in Jehovah for He is Straight and Righteous and does not Lie. For Jehovah is bringing to a close everything that is evil, everything that is not righteous, everything that is contrary to the Name of Jehovah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit.
For Jehovah was the Creator through His Spoken Word. My Son, My Only Begotten Son, who died for you, will be at the appointed hour, at the appointed day to pick up My Sheep, the Pure, the Righteous, the Holy in the sight of your God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. For the Wrath of God will befall this Planet; will shake and break everything that is not Righteous. For everything that belongs to Jehovah is Clean, and Pure, and Righteous.
So read the Bible, turn to Jesus. Pray to Us. The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit will guide you every step of the way, but make yourself strong. For the evil one is throwing darts, shooting arrows, He is slaughtering Lambs and Sheep at this very instant. For they turned to him as a god, and now that he is their god he can do what he wants with them and he is slaughtering them without mercy.
So My Children, My Lambs, turn to Jehovah, turn to Jesus, turn to the Holy
Ghost. For the Love, Peace and Tranquility in Heaven will befall you if
you're strong in Faith and Love your God, with all your
Heart, all your Mind, all your Soul. This is Jehovah
your God. This is Jehovah your God. This is Jehovah your God, with the Holy
Spirit, and My Son Jesus. We love you all with our Hearts. We are hoping
that you understand the meaning of True Love. For your God is Love Today,
Tomorrow, and Always.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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