101. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 June 1992 at 1:49 PM. Friday in English.
Your rage is going to subside when the Holy Spirit puts that spark in your Heart. Then you'll understand what My Prophet is doing. How he is working to accomplish what has to be accomplished. Keep him in your prayers. Help him if you can, for My Children have to unite. We have to bring the Body of Christ together for the time of Trial and Tribulation is at hand.
We have to start at once. We have to convert our neighbor. We have to convert our Brothers, our Sisters, anybody and everybody that listens. This is Jehovah, your Father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. The Beast is accumulating Wealth and Information at this time, for the Beast is not waiting in the slightest to accomplish what he wants to accomplish. He is placing many hours at his Job at the present time.
So, Body of Christ, listen to the Prophecies and watch, and learn, for you will be surprised in the manner in which things will develop, for the fall of Law and Order is at Hand, for the fall of your Rights is at Hand, for the fall of Peace and Tranquility is at hand, for the fall of Satan is at Hand. Remember, those of you that have a Pure Heart, Pure Mind, and Pure Soul, keep your eyes focused on Jesus.
For He is your Savior. He is the Salvation of all that is Pure and Righteous. The Holy Spirit will guide you every step of the way. You have to open yourself up for guidance. For the guidance will not develop, will not proceed if you do not accept Jesus Christ of Nazareth as your King of Kings, and your Lord of Lords deep down to the heart of your Soul, and not just on your Lips. For your Lips mean nothing.
So, pay attention My Saints and read on for the Prophecies will get more intense, more real, for I promised My Saints that I would warn them before the end so those of you with a clean Heart, clean Mind, and a clean Soul that are looking for the Path to your God, Jehovah the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and want to save yourselves from the fall, the great fall, the great tribulation that is going to befall this Planet, listen, read and study the Bible. Get your Brothers and your Sisters and read.
Read as if your life depends on it. For every minute you're in the Bible you're that closer to Me, Jehovah. You have to trust Me. You have to trust Me that I'll deliver you. I know it will be hard but you can do it. For I want nothing but what is Clean, Righteous and Pure. For I mentioned earlier your room is ready. Your Chair, the one you love, is waiting for you in Heaven.
So trust in the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The Holy Spirit will guide you every step of the way out, but you really have to listen. Really listen hard for the distractions of this world are going to be intense, more than you could ever comprehend. If there is a desire in your heart, in that little heart of yours, I am going to build up and make it grow in the direction of Jesus.
He will show you, but you have to be willing to do it on your own. For I only want those that really want to come; those that are strong; those that are loving; those that care for their Brothers and Sisters; those that are giving everything that they have to bring the Word of Jesus Christ to the world.
I'll watch over you. I'll take care of you. For I love you with all My Heart.
This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah, Creator of Heaven and Earth, of all that
is and what will be, is the truth and nothing but the truth. For your God
is truth and what is truth is Righteousness, what is truth and Righteousness
is your ticket to Heaven. So saith Jehovah, with My Son Jesus Christ
of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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