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The 69 sound clip is about 30 minutes (3.7 MB) from my original micro cassette recording tape. There is some background noise on this file. It is in English. Read the text below as you listen to the sound clip for best results.
69. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 May 1992 at 11:11 AM Friday in Tongues, English.
I love you, things are going smooth right now, but remember, there is going to be a time of tribulation, trials that you really won't be able to understand, but remember, the day is approaching where everything is going to come to a close. The Law that was stated in the Bible, about the end times is going to be fulfilled, as it was stated in the Bible.
For the hour and the day is approaching at a very rapid rate. The realization that your world is going to change will confuse many of you, for that idea seems incomprehensible. For you're complacent in your day to day activities. You are set in your way of life, but it is all coming to a close.
The last big War to be fought will happen in your lifetime. So be prepared, be strong, practice the Word of God in your everyday living. Practice the rules, the regulations that are stated in the Bible. Look to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, look to the Holy Spirit to guide you, look to Me to listen to your prayers, for the day of the Beast is here.
The day of this coronation will begin, when the Hornet and the Beetle clash. The outcome of that Battle will establish the authority and power of the Beast, which will begin the beginning of the end. Many are going to be confused for it will happen very fast. The ones who will be saved are the ones who will listen to the Prophets, and to the Just and Righteous Word, of Jesus Christ, Jehovah, and the Holy Spirit.
For what you will see in the near future is the beginning of the end. The end for the ones that are not Christians and don't believe in My Son, that He died for them on the Cross. The ones who don't believe, it will be the end for them. But the ones who believe, it is just the beginning of an everlasting Peace, and Joy in Heaven forever. I know these sound like just Empty Promises, Words without Authority, but it is the Truth. Jehovah says nothing but the Truth.
So remember, that when the end comes everyone that has ever existed will have to take account of their life. Of how they behaved in regard to their God, and their Brothers and Sisters, for nothing was created for evil. But Satan corrupted the Seed.
Now the day of Judgment is at a point, it is so close to your timetable of life. For some of you will follow Satan to the end, to the place appointed. The ones who Blaspheme My Name, My Son, and the Holy Spirit. And the others, the Ones who follow My Son, that have died, that have been tortured, that have been starved, that have suffered through the years, through sickness, through times of tribulation from their neighbors, from the Government, from every conceivable source, that the enemy, Satan, has dished out to them, those are going to live forever and ever and ever.
I know the Ones who are listening to this little Prophecy are going to say, "There is another nut speaking about the end times." But that's okay, We know it's their end. So let them say, let them think anything they want. But you, the Ones who are listening and reading and looking for answers to Salvation, open the Bible and read it.
Learn about your King, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings and you will see him. You will talk to him for you'll be in Heaven Forever. Though you feel at times that there is no such place, but take My Word for it, Jehovah does not lie. There is a Place: it's more Wondrous, more Beautiful, it's Everlasting. Your minds could never conceive such Happiness, such Goodness, such Righteousness.
Because you were raised in an evil world, you were brought into Sin. How can you judge something you have never experienced? It's beyond your comprehension, for by nature your Body is sinful and something sinful cannot comprehend something Righteous. So this is where Faith comes in, you have to Trust in the Prophets, you have to trust in the Law of God, Jehovah, the Bible. The Holy Spirit will guide you, and will show you, but you have to make a commitment on your own. You have to Trust in your God.
You will get trials and tribulations, but We are at war. But the war is coming to an end. But if you are One of My Sons, the Lambs, you have already won. All I want you to do is tell your other Brothers and Sisters, the Ones that don't know the truth yet. Share it, spread the Word, for the more and more you strengthen the Body of Jesus Christ the more support you get from each other. The stronger you become, the less pain and suffering you'll endure in those times of trouble. For this last war will affect everyone in ways that you cannot conceive, and the time has begun.
So listen to your loving Father. You will be getting messages from the Prophets. If you get into the Bible and if you really study from your heart, I'll talk to you Myself. And you won't have to struggle so hard when you hear a Prophecy. Because if you're really a good Lamb, and a good Sheep, I might speak directly to you, but I only want those with a clean heart, clean mind, clean attitude. Sometimes it is hard to get into that type of mentality, but once you work on it, get yourself trained, it's not really that bad.
You're just used to the easy way, the other way, and that leads you into the Pit of Hell. Don't listen to the Ones who entice you to do wrong for Heaven. Well, you'll have to take My Word for it, you have to trust Me, that's the first step. I love you, I'll protect you, and no matter what happens, I am there right next to you, even though at times you'll feel that you're alone. You'll never be alone as long as you put your focus on Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He will lead you to Me, through the Power of the Holy Spirit. All of Us will bring this last chapter in this little Planet's short little life to a close.
So My Children, teach your Children to obey you, to trust you, and you teach yourself to obey Me, and to trust Me, and We will be one big happy family. Bring the Body of Christ together, for when there is Unity there is Strength. Swallow that pride, that ego, for a Child of Christ has no pride and no ego. They are believers of what's right, what's the truth, and they know how to humble themselves before their Lord and Savior and to each other. Sounds like easy words, but the world is so corrupt, if you don't have pride, if you don't have ego, you feel like you're not even human.
I love you with all My Heart, you'll have to trust Me. Make yourselves strong and obey the Law of Jesus Christ. There will be a day and a time that the Beast and his followers will persecute you. He will do anything he can to destroy you, mentally, physically, spiritually for the day of the Beast is at hand. But remember, all the Power and the Glory and Praises goes to Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
For the number of the Beast will be implemented on the weak, on the Sinful. DO NOT, I'll repeat it again! DO NOT TAKE THE SIGN OF THE BEAST. For if you do, you will not find Salvation. I'll state it again. DO NOT TAKE THE SIGN OF THE BEAST. No matter how hard it gets, No matter how easy it gets, if you value, and I mean, if you value your future, DO NOT TAKE THE SIGN OF THE BEAST, for you will be condemned to the VALLEY OF DEATH FOR ETERNITY.
This is the most BLASPHEMOUS thing you could do ever to your Lord Jehovah, and I WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU. When the sign of the Beast is issued, you run and you hide, do whatever you have to do, but DO NOT TAKE THE SIGN OF THE BEAST. I think I have stated it enough. I think I have made it simple, clear, and direct. I'll repeat it one more time, DO NOT TAKE THE SIGN OF THE BEAST, for you will find the VALLEY OF DEATH FOR ETERNITY.
So My Children, I hope your ears are unplugged. I hope I placed some fear in you, for what I say is the truth. You're going to have to make yourselves strong, stronger than you ever have in your whole life when those days and times come. For you're going to have to pray to your Father Jehovah. Read the Bible, bring the Body of Christ together. For this war is being fought in the Heavens at the same time, that the battle is being done on Earth. This is a War that encompasses the Spiritual and the Physical, what you can see and touch, everything that is evil, anywhere, anyplace, whether Spiritual, or Real, will be cleaned up once and for all.
So take care, be strong, get to know Me, Because I love you. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, of all that is Seen and Unseen, the Maker, the Breaker of the Universe.
Peace and Glory be to the Father, Peace and Glory be to the Father, Peace
and Glory be to the Father, so saith, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, with the
Power of the Holy Spirit. For We Love You Children, Listen to My Father,
for he has nothing but Love. And He has given Me the Power and the Authority
to carry out his Law. So remember what He has told you. Peace be with you
My Lambs My Sheep for I will be there at the appointed time to pick you up
and take you to Heaven, be courageous, be strong. Praise and Glory
be to the Father. Praise and Glory be to the Father.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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