The 43sound clip is 4:27 minutes (440 KB) from my original microcassette recording tape. There is some background noise on this file. It is in English and Tongues. Read the text below as you listen to the sound clip for best results.
Note: I did not edit this sound clip, and this Prophecy was spoken by Jesus Christ (Most of the Prophecies in this Prophecy Book were given by Jehovah.). What I also found interesting on this sound clip were the birds singing in the background. This happened many, many times when I received a prophecy. The birds would just begin to sing when the Lord made an appearance. You may also note the time it was recorded (1:35 AM.).
Here is a part from Vision #143 (7 July 1992):
Occurrence: I don't know what it means, but I feel a Strong Presence of the Lord tonight. I mean the birds in the trees are singing, and it's 1:16 AM. in the morning. But I sensed it, when I started praying. The birds are singing their heads off. I can't explain it. It's just... I can't see anything. I just sense it. This little bird is going crazy out there. He is singing his little heart out.
43. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera 2 May 1992 at 1:35 AM. in tongues, English.
O Lord, the Road to Damascus is here. At the proper time, the Road to Damascus will appear. Heavenly Father help thy church. Praise and Honor, give Glory and Praise to the Father, for Heaven and Earth shall not pass way without one Word of what I say becoming true. This is Jesus, the Son of the Father, the Son of Man. Heavenly Father, watch thy Church, Protect thy Church. The way to Damascus is long and straight. Open thy ears and thy eyes, whole Body of Christ, for the day that you have been waiting is at hand. Be Strong, be Righteous, be Holy for the Holy Spirit will Guide you, will Direct you, will Protect you, will Hover over you, so saith, Jesus, the only Begotten Son of the Father. Praise and Glory be to the Father. For the Father is the Cover, the Maker, the One who is, and was and will always be. Praise to the Father. Praise to the Father.
(In Tongues)
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