20. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera 15 December 1990 through the 1 January 1991 in Spanish, and Non-understandable tongues.
He burned the house. He burned the house. He burned the house that. He burned the house that the Priests lived in. He broke the house. He burned the house. He burned the house. He burned the house of the Priests.
Yes! Yes! The devil, the devil burned with the date, with the match, with the flame, with the flame. Ah, the devil burned. He burned the house, the house, the church, the church of the Priests, of the Priests.
Yes, Yes with the date, and with the date, with the match, with the match. Ah the flames, the flames, the flames, the flames burned the Priests, and the Bibles, and the Bibles of God, of God, of Jesus, of Jesus, of the Holy Spirit, of the Holy Spirit.
Yes! The devil burned the house, the house, and the house.
ye, ye, yes, the devil burned the house of the Priests. I, God, God, I am going to do... I am going to do...
I am going to do the same thing, the same thing to the devil, to the devil for he burned My Priests, My Priests, My Priests, and the Bibles, and the Bibles with the flame, with the flame.
And I am going to throw the devil in the pit, in the pit, in the pit. And I am going to use the same flame, the same flame, the same flame to...., to burn the devil in the pit, in the pit. That he used to burn My Priests, My Priests, My Priests, and the Bibles, and the Bibles many years ago, many years ago.
Yes! yes in country, in the country, in the country of the Hills, of the Hills, of the Hills of the Italians, of the Italians, of the Italians, of the Italians in the 1500's, in 1532, 1532, 1532, in the Hills, in the Hills of the Italians, of the Italians.
Yes, yes the same flame, the same flame, I am going to burn the devil in the pit with the same flame, the same flames.
Oh, oh how mean. How mean. How mean is the devil. Oh, how mean he is. How mean he is. How mean he is. Oh, yes. (Non-understandable tongues?)
I believe the church in Italy with the house that burned with the Priests
inside is called La Cruzs of Santiago in the year 1532. (the Crosses of Saint
James in 1532) I listed this as comments because I don't remember the
circumstance and how I received this information, but it was in my journal
tape and in this location on the tape recording.
e-mail: Ray@prophecy.org
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