15. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera 15 December 1990 through the 1 January 1991 in English, and Non-understandable tongues.
Prophecy in English:
The Father, the Father, the Father, The Father, the Father in Heaven, In Heaven, in Heaven, in Heaven. The Father, the Father in Heaven, in Heaven, In Heaven with the Son, With the Son, with the Son, And the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit.
Ah, My Goodness, My Goodness, My Goodness Here We are again. Man, here We are again! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Man, here We are again! Oh, Man here We are again!
Now, what do you want Me to tell you this time? What do you want Me to tell you this time? Ah, My Goodness, My Goodness, My Goodness Oh, My Goodness, My Goodness, My Goodness Man, I m getting tired of talking to you! I am getting tired of talking to you. But I do what I have to do, Man, just to tell you, to tell you!
Let Me give you a little History. Let Me give a little History of what happened in the past, in the past. You know many, many, many years ago, many, many, many, many years ago. There was a man, his name was Jonah. Yeah, Jonah did a lot of things, did a lot of things. Man! But He had problems and He had sins and He had all kinds of things going on with him, but you know, you know, He persevered and He persevered, and He persevered. Man, oh man! He did "Lotsa" things. He did "Lotsa" things.
Have you ever read the Bible about Jonah? Huh, have you ever read the Bible about Jonah? Oh man! This guy was something. Oh yeah, He was something, Oh man, was he something. Listen to him. Listen to Jonah. Listen to Jonah. Jonah has a lot to say, and it's in the Bible, in the Bible.
Yeah, yeah, I don't want to tell you everything because if I tell you everything, you won't learn. You won't learn. You have to make an effort. You have to take responsibility. You have to open up the Book. You have to open up the Book. You have to turn the pages. You have to turn the pages and you have to read. You have to read about Jonah. Jonah, oh yeah!
Read about Jonah. Jonah is a very, very, very good Book, very good Book, very good Book. Yeah. Yeah. I like Jonah. I like Jonah. Ah... that's a little about history. That's a little about history. You might say, "Oh gee, that isn't much," But that's okay, that's all I am going to tell you. That's all I want to tell you, if I had wanted to tell you more, I would have told you the whole story, but I don't want to.
I want you to pick up that Book and I want you to read it. I want you to read it over and over and over and over again until you have dreams about it, until you have dreams about it. There is a lot of good information there. "Lotsa", "Lotsa", good information there. Oh yeah, yeah because if I keep telling you, I am going to wear out this little Ray. Man, I am going to wear him out, if I keep talking, keep talking. So, if I tell you the whole Book of Jonah. Boy Ray is going to get mad. Man! He's going to get mad at Me. Oh yeah. He says his throat is sore already. Man his throat is so sore.
So do Me a favor, read the Book of Jonah for Ray. Read the Book of Jonah for Ray. Ah, He'll love you for it. He'll love you for it. He sure will... and I'll love you for it, and I'll love you for it. Oh yeah, Oh yeah. Because, I don't think Ray could take it.
Okay! Let Me tell you another Book to read. Let Me tell you another Book to read. Ah yeah! You know that Book of Ezekiel, the Book of Ezekiel. Yeah, a lot of good stuff in there, a lot of good stuff in there. Oh yeah! You have to study it hard though, you have to study it hard, that Book of Ezekiel is something else.
Oh My, you no what, another Book that is really good? Ray has been reading this. Yeah, it's Isaiah, Isaiah, Isaiah. Hum My, He was a great guy. Hum yeah. I love Isaiah. Hum... lots of wisdom there, a lot of wisdom. Yeah, yeah!
You got to read all these Books, and read in between the lines. And, if you ask the Holy Spirit before you read, He will tell you what is right and what is wrong; so remember. Pray... Pray before you read the Books. You pray, you pray for wisdom. You pray for knowledge. You pray for wisdom and you pray for knowledge, you pray for wisdom and you pray for knowledge, and the Holy Spirit will tell you, will tell you.
Oh man, once it starts getting into you, Boy! You won't want to put the Book down. Every night, every night you'll want to read it. Everyday, you won't want to go to work, all you'll want to do is read and learn and learn, because the Holy Spirit is in you, but you have to with your heart. Your heart has to be open, has to be open. Yeah, has to be open.
For I don't think Ray could take it anymore, if he had to say the whole Book for you. Oh no... Boy! Ray's lips are getting sore, and his throat is getting tired. Ah, We have to use what We have to use. So, that's three Books I want you to read; I want you to read Jonah; I want you to read Ezekiel; I want you to read Isaiah.
Now! Ah...Yes, I want you to read Revelation, Revelation, chapter two, Revelation, chapter two, Revelation, Chapter two. And...I want you to read, I want you to read Ezekiel, Ezekiel, Ezekiel. Hum, Yeah yeah! I want you to read Ezekiel, Ezekiel, Ezekiel and Isaiah, Isaiah, Isaiah, Isaiah. Oh! Yeah yeah, and Jonah and Jonah and Jonah and Jonah.
Oh man! That's enough, that's enough to get you started. That's enough to get you started. Don't get confused. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. They are very very very very heavy Books. I know, I know because... I had them written for you, I had them written for you. Why sure! Why sure! Now, now the next thing to do, the next thing to do is to pray and to pray and to pray until your throat is sore.
Yes! Pray, pray until your throat is sore. Yes, you have to do that because that's the only way to talk to Me. That's the only way to talk to Me, to the Father, to the Father, to the Great I am, the I am, the I am... Oh man! And We answer all our prayers, We answer all our prayers, but sometimes you don't see. Sometimes you don't see them answered, and sometimes you feel like they are answered.
But man! We hear every single one, We hear every single one, twenty-four hours a day, twenty- four hours a day. A day does not go by that We don't hear a prayer from you. Yes, Yes, We hear every word, every syllable, every syllable, you understand, you understand, every word, every syllable.
Ah, okay, okay, okay, okay, now what else can I tell you? What else can I tell you? What else can I tell you? Oh... very important, very important! Yes, Love thy neighbor. Love thy neighbor. Love thy neighbor. Yeah, Love thy neighbor. Love thy neighbor. Love thy neighbor. Love thy neighbor. Love thy neighbor. Love thy neighbor. Now I said it, nine times. Now, did you learn anything? Did you learn anything?
Love thy Father. Love thy Father. Love thy Father, the Great I am, the Great I am, the Great I am. Now that was simple, wasn't that so simple? Well, that's how simple it is to get to Heaven. That's how simple it is to get to Heaven. Why Sure! Why sure! It's very simple to get to Heaven. Why sure! Why Sure! Oh My Goodness, My Goodness you're getting smart already. You're getting smart already. You're seeing the Light. You're seeing the Light of Jesus. You're seeing the Light of the Father. You're seeing the Light of the Holy Spirit.
Man, see how easy it is to go to Heaven. See how easy it is to go to Heaven. It's no, no big deal, no big deal. You just have to have a good heart. You have to mean what you say, and you have to open up your heart. Now! Now, do you understand, do you understand what I said? Say after Me, I understand, I understand, I understand. I love Jesus. I love Jesus. I love Jesus. I take Jesus in my heart. I take Jesus in my heart. I take Jesus in my heart. Now was that Hard, was that Hard.
No, no...No that wasn't hard, that wasn't hard. Now, you know what I'll do? You know what I'll do? Now, I am going to send My Holy Spirit, I am going to send My Holy Spirit inside you. Yeah...and He is going to live inside of you. He is going to live inside of you. Yeah, He's going to grow and He's going to grow and He's going to give you wisdom. He's going to give you wisdom and knowledge and discernment and all kinds of other gifts.
Yeah...and once you get these gifts, you'll wind up in Heaven. You'll wind up in Heaven. Yeah, because everyone that the Holy Spirit comes into gets gifts, gets gifts, all kinds of beautiful gifts, free presents, free presents. Yeah, from God, from God, from Yahweh, and from Jesus, and from Jesus, and from the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit is the One who guides you. He guides you, guides you, to go to Heaven.
He goes to Heaven, He goes to Heaven with you too. Oh yeah! Yeah, because you can't go to Heaven unless you go to Jesus first. Jesus is the way. Jesus is the Light and Jesus is the Path. He is the Road. He is the Road to the Heavens. He is the Road to the Heavens. Listen to My Words. Listen to My Words. Yeah, that wasn't Hard.
It won't hurt. It won't hurt, but it will hurt, if you don't listen. It will hurt if you don't listen. Yes, it will, it will. Oh My Goodness, will it hurt. It will hurt. I know, I know it will hurt. Oh yes, My Love, it will hurt and I don't want you to hurt. Because, I Love you. I Love you. I Love you with all of My Heart. I Love you with all of My Heart. Yes, Jesus Loves you. Jesus Loves you.
Oh My Goodness, My Goodness can you hear Me running at the mouth again? How many times have I said this in the last few days? I don't know, I don't know, how many times, I have said it. I don't know, but it's important, it's important. Yes, it's very important! Oh My Goodness, it's important. Yeah, yeah, it is very important.
Ray, Ray, Ray, how's your throat, how's your throat? How's your throat, Ray? Ah... I see, I see, well. I have more to say. I have more to say, so hang in there My son, hang in there My son. I have more to say, okay are you ready? One, two, three (Non-understandable tongues?)
What a shame! What a shame! What a shame! What a shame! Oh, what a shame! Oh what a shame! Oh My, oh, oh My, oh what a shame! Oh My, oh My! Oh My, oh My! (Non-understandable Tongues?)
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